Bike Dash Apk v3 (Mod Money) You willgetan endlessjourneyusing thebikein the game.Journeyyour way throughdangerous obstaclesand animalswill appear.You will worktoovercomethosebarriers toprogressalong the roadto escapefrom animals. When youinstalledthe obstaclesthe game ends andyou must beginagain.Youmust goup the roadyou cangoto get thehighest score.If you wantto play thisexcitinggameyou can startplaying immediatelyfollowing linksto downloadourgame.Have fun.
Game Name: BikerDash Category:AndroidGamesDownload Game Type: Action Release Date:09/02/2015 Language:English Size: 85.90MB DeveloperCompany:Twindigo File Type:.apk
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